Check Your Emails against our 800 Million+ List

Build Your Database Your Way

Our Bad Email Scrubber takes you email list and scrubs it against our database of over 2 billion bad emails. This is important for a number of reasons, including:

  • Preventing spam and phishing: Spam and phishing are two of the biggest problems facing businesses today. Spam is unsolicited email that is often sent to a large number of people. Phishing is a type of scam that attempts to trick people into giving up personal information, such as their passwords or credit card numbers. By verifying email addresses, businesses can help to prevent spam and phishing by ensuring that only valid email addresses are added to their lists.
  • Improving deliverability: Email deliverability is the likelihood that an email will be delivered to a recipient's inbox. When an email address is not verified, it is more likely to be marked as spam or junk mail. This can reduce the deliverability of legitimate emails and hurt a business's bottom line. By verifying email addresses, businesses can improve their deliverability rates and ensure that their emails reach their intended recipients.
  • Building trust: When a business sends an email to an invalid email address, it can damage the business's reputation. This is because recipients may think that the business is not legitimate or that they are trying to scam them. By verifying email addresses, businesses can build trust with their customers and ensure that their emails are seen as legitimate.
  • Personalizing communication: When a business knows that an email address is valid, they can personalize their communication with the recipient. This can include using the recipient's name, company, or other information in the email. Personalizing communication can make the email more relevant to the recipient and increase the chances of them opening and reading it.

There are a number of ways to verify email addresses. One common method is to use costly email verification service. Our service costs pennies on the dollar compared to other email verification services.
Another way to verify email addresses is to use a mail server. Mail servers can be configured to reject emails from invalid addresses. This can help to prevent spam and phishing emails from reaching a business's inbox. We take all the bounced bad emails and created a large database of over 2 billion bad emails which we scrub your list from.
Overall, scrubbing your email list against our database of bad emails is an important step that businesses can take to improve their email marketing campaigns and protect themselves from spam and phishing.

Here are some additional benefits of verifying emails:

  • Reduce bounce rates: Bounce rates are the percentage of emails that are returned to the sender because the recipient's email address is invalid or does not exist. By verifying email addresses, businesses can reduce their bounce rates and save money on email marketing campaigns.
  • Increase open rates: Open rates are the percentage of emails that are opened by recipients. When an email is personalized, it is more likely to be opened by the recipient. By verifying email addresses and personalizing their communication, businesses can increase their open rates.
  • Improve click-through rates: Click-through rates are the percentage of emails that are clicked on by recipients. When an email is relevant to the recipient, it is more likely to be clicked on. By verifying email addresses and personalizing their communication, businesses can improve their click-through rates.
Overall, verifying emails is an important step that businesses can take to improve their email marketing campaigns and protect themselves from spam and phishing. If you need a more in depth email verification, email the list and ask for a quote Email Us the List Free Quote .
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